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篇名 Incremental Channel Development for New Product Introduction: A Comprehensive Framework from Real Option Approach
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 從實質選擇權觀點分析廠商漸進式拓展通路規模的模式
作者 孫樣涵
頁次 073-086
關鍵字 漸進式通路發展實質選擇權資源基礎理論交易成本網絡相嵌Incremental channel developmentReal optionsResource-based viewsTransaction costs economicsNetwork embeddedness
出刊日期 201009




This paper explains why and how a firm formulates its strategy of incremental channel development for its new products from the perspectives of real option value, incorporated with the conventional views of resource-based view, transaction cost economies and network embeddedness. This study defines incremental channel development as a series of sequentially staged growth options, and examines its determinants and moderating factors. This study proposes that various sources of uncertainties (i.e. demand, technology and competition) will affect the value of real options and lead to an incremental build-up of channel involvement. This study also integrate RO, resource-based views (RBV) and transaction cost economics (TCE) to explain how a firm's capabilities, asset specificity and network embeddedness moderate the involvement and the pace of incremental channel development of new products. A firm's marketing capabilities, channel network embeddedness and perceived asset specificity with its collaborating channel partners will moderate the impact of option value on incremental channel development. The implications of this paper are also provided.
