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篇名 初探方法論上的整體主義:涂爾幹「社會事實」觀點之運用
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 A Probe on Methodological Holism: The Practice from Durkheim's Viewpoint on
作者 李世宏
頁次 103-112
關鍵字 涂爾幹社會事實量化分析控制變數DurkheimSocial factQuantitative analysisControl variable
出刊日期 201009


本研究以涂爾幹(Durkheim)的「社會事實」(social fact)爲基礎,探討整體主義(holism)進行社會科學量化分析的研究方法。本文認爲,具有「強制力」的「社會事實」對於個人行爲與態度深具影響力,並且在搜集相關文獻資料之後,嘗試整理成三項分析途徑。首先,可將「社會事實」視爲單一變數,與其他因素一起列入分析模型,探討該項「社會事實」對於依變數的「淨影響力」。其次,可以「情境變數」來看待「社會事實」。將不同的「社會事實」分別設定分析模型,再進行不同「社會事實」情境之下的分析,比較不同模型依變數與自變數的關係,以瞭解不同「社會事實」情境之下,其構成成員行爲影響因素之異同。再者,若是「社會事實」對於某項自變數具有特殊意義,則可將兩者予結合,以「交互影響變數」方式列入分析模型,以檢證其結合效應。在結論中,本文摘述研究要點,並提出未來研究方向與建議。


This study aims at probing holism for quantitative analysis of social sciences. In this view, we take advantage of the “social fact” of Durkheim and examine the influences on individual behavior and attitudes.
This paper advocates that "social fact" compels individual behavior and attitudes influential, and try to compile three of way. First, "social fact" as a single variable included in the analysis, together with other factors measure the net-impact in model. Second, take "social fact" as " moderating variable", will be different "social fact" was set on model, and then with different situation under analysis, comparison of different models according to the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables inorder to understand the members of its
composition factors in different situation of "social fact". Furthermore, if the "social fact" with a special significance for variables, can be combined they to "interaction variable" included in analysis to examine how their effect. In conclusion, summarize the major findings and propose future research directions and suggestions.
