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篇名 性侵害加害人預防性測謊與臺灣現況
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing in Taiwan
作者 林故廷
頁次 087-104
關鍵字 性侵害加害人抑制取向預防性測謊治療人員觀護人
出刊日期 201007




Taiwan government has passed the law of post-conviction sex offender test in 2005, trying to import the containment approach on convicted sex offenders from the United States. Our earlier research in Taiwan reveals that post-conviction polygraphs can help find sentencing probably resulting from frame-up, reduce denial, get more information, manage sex offender in the community and catch the recidivist. At present the containment strategy in Taiwan seems to lack systematic operation model. This promising approach to managing sex offenders in the community relies on regular and effective communication between the members of the containment team: the criminal justice case manager, the sex offender treatment provider and the post-conviction polygraph examiner. These individuals in Taiwan need more trainings on how to cooperate with each other to collect and use important risk management information to achieve the foremost goal of protecting the public.
