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篇名 露陰癖的二個重要概念釐清:公然猥褻強制治療與之性侵害防治法第二條法律修正建議
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Analysis of the Two Constructs of Exhibitionism: Compulsory Treatment of Obscenity and Suggestions for Sexual Assault Prevention Act
作者 胡書原陳慈幸王聖豪
頁次 105-134
關鍵字 露陰癖德菲法法實證ExhibitionismsDelphi techniqueEmpirical legal study
出刊日期 201007




The purpose of this study is to understand the compulsory treatment for exhibitionism by using empirical legal study and Delphi Technique. By using empirical methods, the researcher tries to understand how practitioners treat sexual offenders and what their opinions are. The findings are listed as the following: first, the compulsory therapy in Taiwan is not effective enough to change the exhibitionisms; second, there were not enough manpower to help sex offenders; and third, the deficits of compulsory treatment could be offset if practitioners and scholars cooperate. Judging from the above-mentioned findings, the researcher concluded with a few suggestions: amend the current criminal law, as well as classify sex offenders and exhibitionisms.
