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篇名 臺灣家庭暴力防治之現狀與未來--從被害人保護及加害人處遇角度觀察
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Present and Future of Domestic Violence Prevention in Taiwan from the View of Victims' Protection and Offenders' Treatment
作者 陳秀峯
頁次 187-210
關鍵字 家庭暴力防治民事保護令家庭暴力事件通報被害人保護扶助被害人經濟扶助加害人處遇
出刊日期 201007




The Domestic Violence Prevention Act was announced on June 24(superscript th), 1998, enforced one year later, allowing the Authority to engage in protecting those victimized by domestic violence (hereinafter called "DV") in private sections. The related policies and acts enacted by the government aim to preserve the dignity, assure the physical safety and eliminate sexual discrimination for females as primarily provided in Constitutional Amendment. Over the past 11 years, there has been collected data which show how DV works and how it can be improved. Nevertheless, we would like to identify the gap between the governmental statistics and the social awareness so as to clarify the future approach. This research will examine the enactment of DV, the governmental statistical data and the awareness of the people in Taiwan to more understand how Domestic Violence Prevention Act is implemented and to further suggest the future approach.
