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篇名 鄉鎭市區調解委員會調解成效及其影響因素之研究--以家庭暴力案件調解爲例
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Research on the Mediation Effectiveness and Its Causal Factors of Local Mediation Committee
作者 黃翠紋
頁次 211-237
出刊日期 201007




The purpose of family mediation, functioned by family court or conciliation court, is to accomplish the family dispute resolution. It is a cooperative process which is built upon peaceful resolution for family conflict. Since divorce ratio has been increased within recent years, there are more divorcees looking for available resolution for their cases. Some divorcees choose judicial process to resolve conflict, others choose continual battles. In order to deal with family dispute properly, many countries have their specific judicial process for family cases. Most of these approaches base upon individual esteem and gender equity. Among them, the family mediation plays a crucial role. On the other hand, if the clients experience domestic violence, the mediation system must consider the "power" effect. Since the two-party does not own equal power, offender seldom cooperates with victim. Under the threat form offender, victim feels difficult to employ the power of free will. Some victims even make irrational concede. That is the reason why the Anti Domestic Violence Act basically excludes mediation for those clients experienced domestic violence. However, it does not mean that mediation is rejected completely for all domestic violence case. On the other hand, a more comprehensive mediation system is needed to dispose the relevant cases. In Taiwan, the family mediation institution includes two mechanisms. One is the district court, the other is the local mediation committee. Currently, the Judicial Yuan has identified the importance of mediation and promoted it in every district court. This issue is also popular in academics. The function of local mediation committee is seldom concerned and studied. The information of its effectiveness is very limited. In order to explore the effectiveness of local mediation committee and mediation ability of committee member, the author conducted this research and surveyed the local mediation committees' members with questionnaire. Empirical data and findings concerning local mediation committee are presented in this study.

