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篇名 帶領一個性加害人團體之經驗省思:結合心理劇方法、認知模式與再犯預防模式之嘗試
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Process and Experience of Leading a Sex Offender Counseling Group: Combining Psychodramatic Method, Cognitive Model and Relapse Prevention
作者 鄒繼礎蔡群瑞吳秀碧鍾志宏
頁次 015-042
關鍵字 心理劇方法再犯預防認知模式性加害者Psychodramatic methodRelapse preventionCognitive modelSex offender
出刊日期 201007




This paper reports and reflects on the practices and process of leading a sex offender counseling group, in which the group leaders combines psychodramatic method, cognitive model and components of relapse prevention. The sex offenders could be helped to experientially examine their inner parts and cognitive model by using role plays and other action techniques. This properly modified psychodramatic practice facilitates and strengthens their inner resources, social networks and spiritual resources, which are essential in developing effective personal strategy for relapse prevention. The authors and leaders keep track of this valuable endeavor and try to propose an integrated model for treating sex offenders. The processes and methods provided in this paper could serve as a preliminary reference framework for group practice and research on exploring better group method for treating sex offenders.
