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篇名 臺灣刑事司法系統對家庭暴力的回應與現況
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Response to and the Current State of Domestic Violence in Criminal Justice System
作者 韋愛梅
頁次 135-162
關鍵字 家庭暴力刑事司法系統犯罪現況回應Domestic violenceCriminal justice systemCrime sceneResponse
出刊日期 201007




For thorough understanding of the current state of and the response to domestic violence in criminal justice system, the statistic of Taiwan domestic violence act in the past decade were collected. It shows that only 20 percent of the victims whose cases reported to the police had filed lawsuits; 57 percent of the complaints were charged with commission of offence by prosecuting attorney, and 30 percent of them became bench trial, and 70 percent of non-prosecuted cases were due to retrieval of lawsuit; only one-third of the victims who were reported applied for civil protection orders, and less than 20 percent of the reported victims obtained civil protection order. However, as high as one-forth of the applications were reclaimed before issued. The strategy of domestic violence prevention in Taiwan is to reinforce the response of criminal justice system to interfer violence. Nevertheless, without considering the working load of the system and eliminating the differences in the executions, it could backfire and corrode the legitimacy. It was suggested that further research on the reasons of cases attrition, diversion or exclusion is necessary.
