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篇名 運用TRIZ的趨勢來解析捆包機的設計
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 Using TRIZ Trend to Analyze the Design of Packaging Machines
作者 鄧志堅葉高呈
頁次 035-051
關鍵字 捆包機創意問題解決理論(TRIZ)技術功效矩陣演進趨勢strapping machineTRIZtechnology and function matrixevolution trend
出刊日期 201109


在經歷了2008年國際金融海嘯之後,國際間捆包機械進出口都呈現低迷的狀態,我國的捆包機械出口金額卻能在低迷的市場中沒有降低出口金額反而提升了出口數量和金額,說明我國的捆包機械產業來說還有非常大的潛力。為了提升我國捆包業者的國際競爭力,我們提出創意問題解決理論(theory for solving inventive problems, TRIZ)的趨勢方法來分析捆包機未來的
效,並整合出它們的技術功效矩陣。之後,藉由分析這些技術的演進趨勢,預測捆包機導槽的可能發展方向。我們的結論是:1.捆包帶導槽會朝著單一化和模組化的方向演進;2.導槽的彎曲和扭曲的程度會朝著單方向的彎曲演進;3.整個導槽的造型就會朝著1D的方向演進。最後,我們使用CREAX CreationSuite來分析目前捆包機專利,了解現有捆包機專利所屬的公司彼此之間的競爭力分析以及捆包技術與其他產業技術之間的關係。


Since the global financial crisis of 2008, the international strapping machine import and export trade have been in recession. However, the amount of strapping machine exports from Taiwan increased in U.S. dollars, indicating that Taiwan’s strapping machine industry is highly competitive and has great potential. To increase international competitiveness of national strapping machines, a TRIZ (theory for solving inventive problems) trend is used to provide an insight into the future development of strapping machines. Seven patents of strapping machine chutes were chosen from the European Patent Office for analysis and integrated as a technology and function matrix. Thereafter, the evolution trend of technology was evaluated to predict the possible developments of strapping machine chutes. This tudy concludes the following: (1) chutes will evolve toward unity and modulation; (2) the level of twisting and deflection will be simplified to deflection only; and (3) the profile of chutes will evolve into 1D direction. Finally, CREAX CreationSuite was utilized for examining the strapping machine
patents to understand the assignee companies and their competitive edges and the relationship between technology in strapping machines and other industries.
