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篇名 狹長圓形穴槽潛流場之渦心位置與邊壁剪應力
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 Positions of Vortex Centers and Wall Shear Stresses for a Creeping Flow Field with an Extremely Long Circular Cavity
作者 胡宗義
頁次 053-059
關鍵字 流函數圓形穴槽單渦包結構邊壁剪應力stream-functioncircular cavityone-eddy structureshear stress on the wall
出刊日期 201109




Using the analytic solution of stream function obtained in previous studies, this study resolved the problem of producing flow in a long circular cavity filled with a highly viscous fluid by partially rotating the boundary. The results demonstrated that rotating the boundary length significantly influences the corresponding flow patterns with a one-eddy structure. As the length increases, the vortex center of the eddy approaches the center of the container. The function used to describe the
dependences of the vortex center position on the rotating boundary length is highly nonlinear. In addition, the shear stress distribution on the wall is quantitatively discussed.
