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篇名 遊憩體驗、滿意度與重遊意願的關係--以澎湖觀光休閒漁業園區為例
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The Relationships among Visitors' Recreation Experiences, Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions: A Case of Recreation Fishery in Penghu
作者 張淑青
頁次 019-043
關鍵字 觀光休閒漁業遊憩體驗滿意度重遊意願Recreation fisheryRecreation experienceSatisfactionRevisit intentions
出刊日期 200809




The purpose of this study was to adopt the structural modeling approach for exploring the relationships among visitors' recreation experiences, satisfaction and revisit intention of recreation fishery in Penghu. The recreation fishery in Penghu was selected to be the research scope and structural questionnaire was developed to be the survey tool of this study. The visitors of two recreation fishery in Penghu were selected as study samples. This study constructed a structural cause-effect model which takes recreation experiences as the antecedents, satisfaction as the mediated variable, and revisit intentions as the effect variable for testing their relationships. The findings of this study indicate that the structural cause-effect model is significant and four factors of recreation experience have significant and positive effects on visitors' satisfaction. The priority of positive effects on visitors' satisfaction by comparison with their efficiency value is physical environment; service attitude; learning and achievement; pleasure and relax factor. Besides, this study also found that the visitors' satisfaction has significant and high positive effects on visitors' revisit intentions. On the basis of the research results, the concrete and strategic suggestions and references of business management are offered for related industry.
