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篇名 西式連鎖餐廳服務實景對消費滿意度、再惠顧意願與口碑推薦意願之影響
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Effects of the Servicescape of Western Chain Restaurants on Consumers' Satisfaction, Re-patronage Intention, and Word-of-mouth Intention
作者 黃淑君陳建中黃瑞菁
頁次 043-056
關鍵字 服務實景滿意度再惠顧意願口碑推薦意願ServicescapeSatisfactionRe-patronage intentionWord-of-mouth intention
出刊日期 201006




The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the servicescape of western chain restaurants on consumers' behaviors. In the study, 5 western chain restaurants, TGI' Friday restaurants in Taipei, were the research settings. The customers of TGI' Friday restaurants were the research participants. The survey was conducted after customers finished their meals. A total of 366 valid questionnaires were obtained. The results of factor analysis showed that three dimensions were embedded in the customers' perception of the restaurants' servicescape. They were named social factor, design factor, and ambient factor. The findings of multiple regression analyses revealed that the three dimensional factors of servicescape had significant positive influence on customers' satisfaction and re-patronage intention. Design factor had the strongest predicting power followed by social factor and ambient factor. Design factor and social factor were significant predictive variables for word-of-mouth intention. The former was more effective than the latter in predicting re-patronage intention. Although ambient factor was not a significant predictor, it showed a trend of positive influence on word-of-mouth intention. Based on the findings, suggestions on the servicescape of TGI' Friday restaurants are made as references for the restaurants' operation and management.
