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篇名 福山植物園遊客對生態旅遊之解說與環境維護願付價格之研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Study of Visitor's Willingness to Pay for Interpretative Service and Environmental Conservation: A Case of FuShan Nature Preserve Park
作者 張軒瑄陳瓊樺
頁次 057-076
關鍵字 生態旅遊態度遊憩體驗願付價格EcotourismAttitudeTraveling experienceWillingness to pay
出刊日期 201006


本研究目的在探討遊客對於到福山植物園旅遊所接受的解說服務與自然環境資源之願付價格,並探討遊客對生態旅遊之態度認知、遊憩體驗滿意度與其本身特性對其願付價格之影響程度。並採用非市場評估法中的條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM),來衡量遊客參與福山植物園生態旅遊之願付價格。本研究之有效問卷共400份,分析結果指出有322人同時願意支付解說服務費用與資源維護費用,所佔百分比為80.5%;經過迴歸分析後發現有七個變數會顯著性的影響遊客之願付價格的高低,其為遊客對生態旅遊之態度構面中的「使用者付費」與「生態獨特性」、遊客之遊憩體驗滿意度構面的「人員服務」、「環境維護管理」、「心理體驗」、「參訪意願」與「性別」,利用迴歸模式試算出遊客之平均願付價格為163元。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) to interpretative service and environmental conservation for their participation in Eco Tourism of Fu-Shan Research Station and identify how visitors' Ecotourism attitudes, traveling experience, socio-economic characteristics influence their WTP. The WTP included the interpretation services and maintenance service for nature environment. The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was adapted to measure visitors' WTP. A total of 400 valid questionnaires were collected for data analysis. The study result indicated that 322 respondents (80.5%) would like to pay the fee for interpretation services and maintenance service for nature environment. The regression model indicated that visitors' WTP would be influenced by seven variables including two Ecotourism cognition factors-User fee and Ecotourism uniqueness, two traveling experience factors-Employee service quality, environmental maintenance, psychological traveling motivation, the will of repeated visiting, and gender. The average WTP per visitor for Fu-Shan was estimated around NT163 by the regression model.
