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篇名 氣簾式氣櫃節能探討
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Air-Curtain Hood Energy Saving Consideration
作者 陳春萬彭冠霖黃榮芳
頁次 199-222
關鍵字 氣簾式氣櫃吸氣槽寬度氣櫃性能Air-curtain hoodAir-curtain hoodFume hood performance
出刊日期 201106


中華民國勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所與國立台灣科技大學合作,於2005年所開發成功的「氣簾式氣櫃J'主要控制變項為櫃門往下吹之風速及氣櫃前方吸氣槽之吸氣風速。在適當的吹、吸氣風速搭配下,可獲得氣櫃內無迴流以及氣櫃內含物不易逸散至櫃外之優異性能,且具有非常好的抵抗環境氣流干擾與櫃門開關引致洩漏之能力,其實用性以及對汙染物洩漏的防治力遠超過傳統設計的排氣櫃。研究發現該「氣簾式氣櫃」於一般使用時,亦具有節能的效果,使用的風量約為傳統式排氣櫃之一半,其洩漏即可遠低於傳統氣櫃之洩漏。若考量獲得更大的能源節省,則降低吹氣槽與吸氣槽的寬度以減少風量是一個可能的選項,但此一方法是否會影響氣櫃之捕集性能則尚未可知。本研究透過實際測試,評估其可行性。將吸氣槽寬度由原來設計的3公分分別修改為4公分與2公分,吹氣槽寬度由原來設計的2公分改修改為為l公分,使用歐盟的排氣櫃測試規範EN14175-3 (2003)中 的追蹤氣體測試法,評估吸氣槽與吹氣槽的寬度改變後之氣櫃性能。研究結果顯示,,氣簾式氣櫃」吹氣槽與吹氣槽寬度降低,在相同風速下,氣櫃捕集能力會比原來的最佳化設計稍微降低一些;但在適當增加風速後,仍可獲得良好的捕集能力,洩漏量依舊比傳統型的排氣櫃小很多。因此若以節能為優先考量因素,同時亦兼顧維持良好(雖非最佳)的捕集能力,則降低吹、吸氣槽的寬度是可行的方法。但若嚴格考量氣櫃之穩定性時,則原來「氣簾式氣櫃」吹、吸氣槽的最佳化寬度設計,仍是較恰當之選擇。


The “air-curtain fume hood” was successfully developed in previous research. By appropriately adjusting the blow-down velocity from the double-layered sash and the suction air velocity from the slot at the bottom of the work platform, the air-curtain fume hood has been approved as an “almost zero-leakage” apparatus. For the purpose of reducing energy consumption, narrowing the slot widths of the suction flow and/or the blowing jet may be an option. However, the containment performance
of the fume hood will become an important issue if the initially optimized design is modified. The aim of the present work, therefore, was focused on studying the effects of the width of slots on the flow field. The study measured the leakage of tracer gas from the sash opening under adjusting the width of slots from 3 cm to 2 and 4 cm. The tracer-gas concentration tests partially simulated the EN 14175:2003 protocol to obtain the quantitative leakage data. The results show that the performance of an “air-curtain fume hood” cuts down by narrowing the width of the suction slot and steps up by increasing the suction velocity. The “air-curtain fume hood” presents good performance even
with the 2 cm width slot if the operation parameters and strategy was properly adjusted for saving energy. But for operation stability, the study recommends that the “air-curtain fume hood” be operated at the originally optimized design with a 3 cm slot width with properly adjusted velocity.
