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篇名 我國醬院員工超工時與輪班研究
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 A Field Studyof Overtime Work and Shift Work for Hospital Employees in Taiwan
作者 毛義方蔡忠融徐雅媛徐儆輝毛鏡琪盧士一陳美蓮
頁次 223-246
關鍵字 醫療院所超時工作輪班法規增訂HospitalOvertime workWork shiftRegulations revision
出刊日期 201106


本研究目的為探討我國醫療院所員工超工時及輪班概況及員工相關認知態度。本研究對全國醫學中心、區域醫院、地區醫院等進行有關工時職業安全衛生問卷調查,抽樣方法採分層隨機抽樣法,總樣本數為36家醫院,受訪對象包括管理階層及一般醫療從業人員,完成有效問卷共588份,包括管理人員125份及一般醫療從業人員463份。問卷調查方式由調查人員親至現場,並詰勞安管理單位協助進行。研究結果顯示,醫院之超時工作者主要為醫師,輪班制人員則以護理人員為最多。在醫院中,每週平均工時低於45/J時以下者,在管理階層為40.3%'一般醫療從事人員則僅37.0%。醫師每週工時超過60小時以上者佔40.0% ' 45/J日寺以下者為10.7%。需輪班及大夜 班、值班者,醫師高達73%最高,護理人員則為67%再次之。放射技術人員達62%'藥師為38%。管理人員及一般醫療人員認為在安衛法規中需要再訂定每天、每週、每月工時限制及深夜工作、輪班制度規定為66%及74%'認為不需要僅11�17%。一般醫療從業人員超工時工作非常普遍,醫師尤為嚴重,每月超工時且需值夜班,其健康值得關心及改善。此外,護理人員需輪班者眾,醫院必須建立一些健康保護措施,政府亦需有法規管理。


The objectives of this study are to establish the data of the occupational health and safety situation related to shift work and over time work in hospitals as references to revise relevant regulations for the government. Establishment of the data was made by a survey with a questionnaire on academic medical centers, metropolitan hospitals and local community hospitals; 36 hospitals were randomly selected as the study subjects. There were 588 valid subjects including 125 managers and 463 employees. The overtime workers were mainly doctors, and the shift workers were mainly nurses. The proportions of disagreement on “shift, overtime and midnight work arrangement” were about 10%. The average of working hours < 45 hrs for managers and employees was 40.3% and 37.0%, respectively. 40% of doctors’ working hours exceeded 50 hours per week and merely 10.7% were < 45 hours per week. The proportions of the doctors that need shift work, on call at night and midnight work were 73%, and nurses, radiologists and pharmacists were 67%, 62% and 38%, respectively.
The managers and employees had high proportions (66% & 74 %) of agreement on the promulgating a regulation for an overtime work limit and shift work. In general, the hospital employees had a seriously problem with overtime work, and midnight shift work for nurse was very popular. The hospital should provide some measures to protect their health; the government also needs to pay attention to revise regulations for them.
