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篇名 應用χ射線粉末繞射儀於鑄造廠中結晶型游離二氧化矽分析
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Application of χ-ray Diffractometry on Analysis Crystalline Free Silica in Foundries
作者 郭錦堂汪禧年黃惠慈
頁次 247-265
關鍵字 鑄造業結晶型游離二氧化矽均句度χ光繞射儀
出刊日期 201106


國內針對鑄造廠作業環境中結晶型游離二氧化矽濃度尚存在預估階段,目前的結晶型游離二氧化矽分析方法,主要以粉塵重量秤重後再依業者所提供的原料純度做計算,對作業環境管理或工程改善效率評估無法能夠有明確資訊。本研究針對現有採樣工具加以探討後,利用χ光繞射分析(XRD),能提供較佳有效的評估分析方法。評估作業環境中勞工受到結晶型游離二氧化矽的暴露濃度,主要利用個人採樣器設備進行可呼吸性粉塵及總粉塵採集。研究發現樣品的採集面之均句度會影響XRD分析達到%誤差,因此旋風分離器接一階中環開匣式即可獲得均句面,分析時利用日本JISA1481βE 繞射分析方法基底標準吸收補正法,更能在低濃度獲得良好的濃度線性關係。
至於鑄造業作業現場結晶型游離二氧化矽的暴露現況,分別針對鑄造業中不同作業型態:澆鑄、打砂、磨毛邊等工作區進行樣本採集與分析,進而探討結晶型游離二氧化矽於鑄造廠中的暴露狀況。結果顯示,鋁板對於結晶型游離二氧化矽有良好的補正係數,作業環境中可呼吸性結晶型游離二氧化矽之含量為ND-7.75%(ND-0.07mg/m3),總粉塵結晶型游離二氧化矽於打砂作業區含量較高為1.72-29.31%(0.07 -2.06 mg/m3)。此方法具有簡易、環保、成本低廉且非破壞性分析的特點,期望此方法可有效提供相關產業的暴露濃度調查,進而改善作業環境,以確保勞工的健康。


The domestic operating environment for the foundry crystalline free silica concentration still remains at the forecast stage. Currently, the main method of crystalline free silica analysis is to weigh the dust and the raw materials provided by the industry before doing the purity calculation. There is no clear information to improve operating efficiency and environmental management or engineering assessment. This study aims to explore the existing sampling tools and the use of χ-ray
diffraction analysis (XRD) in order to provide a better assessment for effective methods. To assess the concentration of crystalline free silica, which the workers in the operating environment were exposed to, personal sampling equipment is mainly used for respiratory dust and total dust collection. In the research, we found that the uniformity of surface samples would affect the XRD analysis of up to 50% error. The Central Cyclone opened cartridge could obtain uniform surface analysis using the Japanese JIS A1481 χ-ray diffraction analysis method with the base standard absorption correction. In addition, we could even obtain a better linear relationship under low concentration.
