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篇名 石化廠歲修作業危害預防對策之研究一以六輕工業區某工廠為例
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 A Study of Hazard Prevention for Contractual Operations in the Petrochemical Industry with One Industrial Park as Case Study
作者 高瑞聲陳建榮徐啟銘
頁次 319-329
關鍵字 歲修作業工安事故教育訓練預防對策職災發生率Annual repairs workOccupational accidentsEducation trainingPrecautionary policyThe occurrence rate of occupational hazard
出刊日期 201106




In the petrochemical industries, regular annual repair and maintenance work (including overhaul) presents risks higher than generally found in normal operation. It therefore requires a greater amount of labor. Because common petrochemical business operations are rarely routine,
it is commonly necessary to outsource this work and hire massive numbers of additional staff in a short time lessen costs. Because these laborers are not usually familiar with the system’s regulations and use, the present paper has taken a set of safety rules, and health education and training patterns as a goal for research. Provides contracts business duty disaster to prevent the countermeasure. It is importance that it cuts the duty disaster formation rate. This will certainly be helpful to practical petrochemical industrial operations.
