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篇名 彈性生產下的產能投資與代工行為
卷期 39:3
並列篇名 Capacity Investment and Subcontracting Behavior under Flexible Manufacturing
作者 王光正梁文榮
頁次 373-402
關鍵字 彈性生產代工產能投資flexible manufacturingsubcontractingcapacity investmentEconLitTSSCI
出刊日期 201109


本文從彈性生產的角度切入,建立一理論模型探討代工發生的原因。得到的主要結果如下: 第一、由於品牌廠商不具彈性生產能力, 因此一旦需求景氣的風險變大,即使具彈性生產能力的代工廠商生產成本較高, 品牌廠商也會尋求代工; 第二、在品牌廠商決定不代工(或沒有代工市場時) 的決策下, 品牌廠商的產能資本投資可能隨需求景氣的變異數擴張而增加,或隨景氣需求的預期平均值增加而增加。但一旦品牌廠商決定代工後, 品牌廠商的產能資本投資必隨需求景氣的變異數擴張而減少; 第三、品牌廠商產能投資邊際成本越小, 代工廠彈性生產的優勢就越低,代工就越不可能發生。


This paper constructs a theoretical model which introduces flexible manufacturing to study the causes giving rise to subcontracting. The main findings of the paper are as follows. Firstly, owing to an inability to flexibly manufacture,the consignor would choose to subcontract out its production even if the production cost of the subcontracting firm is higher than that of the consignor, when the variance, i.e., risk, of a demand shock is large. Secondly,when subcontracting does not occur, the cosigner’s capacity investment increases as the variance or the mean of a demand shock rises. However, given that subcontracting occurs, the consignor’s capacity investment will decrease as the variance of a demand shock rises. Thirdly,the smaller the consignor’s marginal cost of capacity investment, the less the possibility of the emergence of subcontracting due to a fall in the comparative advantage of the
flexible manufacturing owned by the subcontracting firm.
