
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 弱勢教育公平指標之研究
卷期 14:4
並列篇名 A Study on the Educational Equity Indicators for Disadvantaged Students
作者 鄭勝耀
頁次 063-088
關鍵字 CIPP弱勢教育教育公平教育指標CIPPdisadvantaged studentseducational equityeducational indicatorsTSSCI
出刊日期 201111
DOI 10.3966/156082982011101404003




Equality of educational opportunity and social justice have been regarded as the major goals that modern and liberal societies need to accomplish. Along with the development of global economy, the divide between to-have and to-have-not widens in the large scale. According to the origins of education, the schooling should play a role to promote the possibility of social upward mobility. However, the global trends of internationalization, marketization, and accountability dominate the field of education in the last three decades, and the discourse of neo-liberalism preoccupies the main points of educational changes. To figure the issues related the educational equity especially focusing on the disadvantaged students, the principal investigator analyzes the theories and practices from EU, OECD, NCES, and other educational policies, research articles, and books related to disadvantaged students in Taiwan. Moreover, the author conducts three times Delphi questionnaire data collection processes to clarify the meaning of equity indicators for disadvantaged students. The findings could be interpreted into four sections which include context, input, process, and product (CIPP). In the level of context, the indicators could be understood via economical disadvantaged, cultural disadvantaged, schooling disadvantaged, family disadvantaged and individual disadvantaged. In the level of input, they could be outlined by economic input, social resources input, schooling input, teacher input, and student input. In the level of process, they could be interpreted by educational policies for the disadvantaged, schooling for the disadvantaged, and learning adoption for the disadvantaged. In the level of output/outcome, they are included by access for the disadvantaged, employability for the disadvantaged, social mobility for the disadvantaged and social awareness on social justice. Finally, the paper concluded some reflections and suggestions to the research and educational policies on the disadvantaged student and schooling.
