
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 我國技職教育公平指標建構之探討
卷期 14:4
並列篇名 Inquiring and Constructing the Indicators of Equity for Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan
作者 張國保胡茹萍廖俊仁江翊嘉
頁次 089-114
關鍵字 公平指標技職教育教育公平教育指標educational indicatorsequity of educationindicators of equitytechnological and vocational educationTSSCI
出刊日期 201111
DOI 10.3966/156082982011101404004




Equity of education and equality of educational opportunities are important civic rights. However, they are easily affected and limited by factors such as educational system, resource-input, implementation process, and application of educational results, especially in technological and vocational education (TVE). Traditionally, the importance of TVE is downgraded by social values. Accordingly, the unequal situations within TVE are more serious than any other kinds of education in Taiwan. In order to improve the situation, this study aimed to investigate and construct the equity indicators for TVE. Based on the theoretical framework of educational equity, this study constructed the equity indicators of TVE through analyzing the unequal phenomena of TVE status quo in Taiwan. Employing the methods of literature review and document analysis, the study examined the current TVE policy contents in terms of context, input, process, and product along the horizontal axis. Then those contents were examined in terms of social structure, legal system, individual differences, indemnifying measures, and adaptive development along the vertical axis. Furthermore, the initial indicators of equity in TVE domain were provided for three focus group discussions, after which 20 indicators and 82 sub-indicators were developed.
