
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 後期中等教育公平指標之發展與建構
卷期 14:4
並列篇名 Constructing Equal Opportunity Indicators of Upper Secondary Education
作者 林永豐郭俊呈
頁次 115-142
關鍵字 後期中等教育教育公平教育機會均等equal opportunity of educationeducational equityupper secondary educationTSSCI
出刊日期 201111
DOI 10.3966/156082982011101404005




According to current school system of Taiwan, upper secondary education is at a stage right between lower secondary education and higher education. Also upper secondary education is a stage for educational specialization towards universities and labor market. It is because the key position in this process towards further specialization, upper secondary education play a critical role which might improve equity or equality of education for students at this stage. In the light of increasing emphases on equity of education, this study have aimed to investigate and to develop a proper indicator system for understanding equity and equality of upper secondary education. For these research aims, three main methods were adopted in this study: documentary analyses, Delphi technique, and group interview. As a result, an indicator system was proposed with 4 aspects, 13 sub-aspects, and 98 indicators.
