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篇名 整合任務分析與TRIZ之設計程序研究
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 A Study of Design Procedure in Integrating Task Analysis with TRIZ
作者 蘇家弘黃室苗
頁次 001-015
關鍵字 概念設計具體化設計任務分析TRIZ問題轉換conceptual designembodiment designtask analysisTRIZproblem converting
出刊日期 201106


在產品設計的過程中,概念設計階段所提出的人因解決方案,經常在具體化設計階段中,顯得窒礙難行。其原因可能是,設計人員在概念設計階段中未加入具體化設計的考量。因此,本研究提出一產品設計程序,稱為IT2設計程序(Integrated procedures of Task analysis and TRIZ),其目的在於使其概念設計階段的人因構想加入具體化設計的考量,進而提升構想的可行性。而此一設計程序主要是藉由整合任務分析與TRIZ方法所得。且以「問題轉換」方式,搭起任務分析與TRIZ之間整合的橋梁。此外,本研究以弓形鋸-鋸條張力調整的操作設計為案例,套至所提出的IT2設計程序以產生設計構想。最後,本研究發現,所提出的構想其在零組件的傳動上不但具有可行性,且在人因的考量下明顯優於現有產品,進而間接證明本研究所提出的設計程序具有效性。而在「問題轉換」的階段,其方法不但整合了任務分析與TRIZ,更將其設計思維「明箱化」,進而幫助設計人員有一系統規則的將問題進行定義。


In the process of product design, the proposed suggestion of human factors in the conceptual design phase, seems difficult to implement in the embodiment design phase. The reason may be that the designer is not includes embodiment design considerations in the conceptual design phase. Therefore, this study proposes a design procedure called IT2 design procedure (Integrated procedures of Task analysis and TRIZ), with the aim is make the concept of the human factors include embodiment design considerations in the conceptual design phase, and further enhance feasibility of the concept. And the design procedure is mainly composed by integrating task analysis with the TRIZ method. And by “problem converting” way, put up the integration of the bridge between the task analysis and TRIZ. In addition, this study make use of a case by “bow saws - saw blades designed for the operation of adjusting the tension”, set to the proposed IT2 design procedures, and designed to generate ideas. Finally, this study found that the generated idea is not only feasible in the drive on the components, but also is better than existing products on the considerations of the human factors, thus indirectly prove that the proposed design procedure with the effectiveness. Moreover, in the problem converting stage, the method not only integration the task analysis and TRIZ, more make the design thinking to “Box of Ming”, and thus help the designers have a rule to define the problem.
