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篇名 農業RFID行動產銷系統導入策略:可行性調查分析
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The Strategy of RFID Mobile Production-Distribution System for Agriculture Industry: Feasibility Study
作者 黃玉枝
頁次 037-045
關鍵字 RFID行動產銷系統生產履歷可行性RFID mobile production-distribution systemthe traceabilityfeasibility
出刊日期 201106


臺灣農業委員會積極推動農漁畜牧產品之產銷履歷,讓所有的消費者可以購買到安全、安心的食品,以保障消費者健康權益。RFID 資訊系統在無線自動識別與可追蹤、追溯的特性,在食品安全履歷的建立上獲得關注。因此,本文探討RFID導入農業產銷應用的可行性,透過問卷調查瞭解農民的系統接受度與使用需求,並討論產銷班的運作效益。本研究調查結果發現農民主要關切政府可提供的相關支援與系統設備所投入成本考量,可接受3萬元以下的RFID行動產銷系統的軟體設備成本,而在系統功能需求訪查結果則為播種、施肥、除草、採收等田間工作的自動化紀錄,在農民銷售的部分為以農作物產量,例如採收作物的數量或重量,作為基礎的銷售數量紀錄。本研究可提供發展RFID資訊系統專案之參考。


Taiwan COA (Council of Agriculture) has promoted the traceability of agriculture, fisheries and livestock products, to protect consumers can purchase safety and healthy food, and the interests of consumers. RFID application system has the characteristics of tracking and traceable. Thus, RFID traceability applications are by the world’s attention. Therefore, this study discussed the feasibility of implement RFID mobile production-distribution system for the agricultural industry in production, through a questionnaire survey, to understand the farmers demand and acceptance for the system. And the operation benefits of farmer group, ie production and marketing team, are discussed. The results shows, they are concerned about the system cost and need the Government to provide funding and technical assistance grants, and accepted cost under 30 thousand NT dollars. They need system can automatically record when they are planting, fertilizing, weeding and harvest on the farm, and the distribution based on harvest record. This study can provide reference for the development project of RFID system.
