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篇名 以保險經營模式與保險費率探討我國實施政策性花卉保險之可行性
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 A study of the compulsory flower insurance in Taiwan
作者 黃美玲王財驛
頁次 047-062
關鍵字 政策性花卉保險公辦民營Bailey乘型模式private/public partnership公私營夥伴關係模式compulsory flower insuranceoperation modelBaileypublic-private partnership model
出刊日期 201106


我國花卉總產值(2009年)達122億元,政府施政架構的業務面打造效率優勢產業,建設「世界級花卉島」,顯示花卉產業之重要性。在推動農業政策變革項目,提到研究推動農業保險計劃,研究將農業天然災害救助結合農業保險,以降低農漁業經營風險。我國自1991年開辦天然災害救助措施,因實際發生損害受預算編列限制,出現救助金額偏低的情形,故探討政策性花卉保險機制以因應天然災害造成日漸嚴重的損失趨勢,有其必要性。本研究以過去十一年天然災害損失金額為計算基礎,並以Bailey乘型模式費率係數予以調整,估算純保費;且提出公辦民營或private/public partnership經營模式為建議,以保險,共同保險或再保險及農業保險基金提撥三層保障方式的運作來與現行災害救助措施整合,得到下列幾項論述一、探討花卉保險運作的成本,與現行天然災害救助制度相較,在推動花卉保險具財政疏減的效果,執行上可整合其效率。二、在保險經營技術、費率訂定及保險費負擔設計,說明政策性花卉保險以公辦民營經營模式運作可行的理由。三、以保險成效、政府財政額外預算及人力準備等面向探討推動政策性花卉保險配套措施之建議。


In 2009, the output value of Taiwan flower industry was $ 12.2 billion. The government's policy created efficient industries and built "a world-class Flower Island”, showing the importance of the flower industry. Agricultural policy reform in the project, said to research the agricultural insurance scheme, study of natural disaster relief with the agriculture, agricultural insurance, agricultural and fisheries management to reduce risk, The implementation of Salvation Regulations for Agricultural Disasters has assisted the farmers against natural disasters since 1991, due to actual damage of natural disasters is controlled by the government budget constraints, the farmers cannot get real effort, therefore, we believe it is necessary that the compulsory agricultural insurance mechanisms to cope with serious natural disasters damages. In this study, we use natural disasters data as the amount of loss basis over the past eleven years, and Bailey model by adjusting the loss ratio to estimate the pure premium. We proposed privately or private-public partnership for the operation model. By setting up the insurance, reinsurance and coinsurance as three agricultural insurance protection layers mode. We suggest integrating with insurance operation and the Salvation Regulations for Agricultural Disasters. We conclude the following, first of all, compare with the existing natural disaster relief system, the operating of compulsory flowers insurance is more efficiency, both of the Salvation Regulations and insurance effect can be integrated. Second, the operation of privately business model for compulsory flower insurance is better in insurance operation business, premium setting and the burden of ownership,. Third, promote the proposed compulsory flower insurance need to consider the compulsory insurance effect, the government budget and human resources preparation for the insurance.
