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篇名 The Effectiveness of Implemented Oral Activities and Instructions in the College EFL Classroom
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 科技大學英語課堂口語教學與活動成效之研究
作者 Ying-Ying Chuang
頁次 073-088
關鍵字 In-class oral practiceclassroom learning activitiesL2 speakinglearner-center curriculum課堂口語練習課堂學習活動外國語口說以學習者為中心課程
出刊日期 201106




This study was inspired by the principles of the learner-centered curriculum (Nunan, 1993, 1995), aiming to examine the views of college EFL students toward oral activities implemented in their classroom. Via an online survey, participants from five technological universities described the effectiveness of certain in-class oral activities and instructional practice. Research findings reveal that of the in-class speaking activities, oral presentation with text support, although widely employed, are considered by those learners as one of the least helpful in terms of L2 oral development. In addition, they perceive oral presentations in which the use of written cues is not allowed as more helpful; however, this alternative presentational method is infrequently practiced in the EFL classroom. Respondents rate class debates and story-telling and information-sharing activities as their preferred oral tasks. Moreover, participants’ reaction to group and pair work is decidedly mixed with respondents commenting on frequent use of first language (Chinese), unmotivated classmates, and difficulty remaining on-task. Results suggest that instructors should present a broader variety of in-class oral practices in which students can actually engage in oral tasks, provide motivated demonstration if needed, and finally provide students some positive feedbacks for their performance.
