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篇名 魏晉玄風下的喪葬風貌
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 Burial Custom in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties in the Wave of Metaphysics
作者 王妙純王文仁周玉珠蕭雅玲
頁次 089-109
關鍵字 魏晉魏晉玄風喪葬喪葬風貌死亡Wei, Jin and Six Dynastieswave of metaphysics in Wei, Jin and Six Dynastiesfuneralsfuneral featuresdeath
出刊日期 201106




Zhuangzi once said all the creatures are born to live and then die and when they die, they begin to live. Philosopher Heidegger said human beings exist on the way to death. Philosophers in the east and west suggested mankind's final resting place—death. All the creatures are born, live and then die. Since humans are able to reflect, death especially plays a significant role in their reflections. In Chinese history, funeral custom was constantly evolving, developing, and leaving a long and winding trail in different time zone and phases, with different content. Funeral culture in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties, in terms of burial custom, experienced a great change. Therefore, it is of great value to discuss the funeral culture during this period due to its unique style unlike the previous and future generations’. This paper is aimed to study underlying causes and features of funerals in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties. This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one, the foreword, gives an exposition of the background of research questions, with a brief introduction of the following chapters. Chapter two discusses the wave of metaphysics in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties. Chapter three studies the burial culture in the wave of metaphysics, with four subcategories of a. burial custom, including simple and luxurious burials; b. joining a funeral procession, whether it’s a large-scale joint burial or a small-scale funeral; c. mourning, to express filial piety over the loss of parents; d. loss of children; and e. mourning practices. Chapter four details the funeral characteristics of Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties. Chapter five is the conclusion.
