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篇名 失鄉賦曲-顏崑陽及其散文中的鄉土認同
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 Ballad of Lost of Homeland Kuen-yang Yan and the territory identification in his
作者 王文仁周玉珠
頁次 111-124
關鍵字 顏崑陽鄉土書寫土地認同生命哲學Kuen- yang Yanlocalism writingterritory identificationlife philosophy
出刊日期 201106




As one of the prose masters in the modern Chinese literature field, Kuen- yang Yan’s writing works were full of deep-rooted nostalgia and issues of territory identification. His localism writing went through three phases: the romantic phase in his early youth, the realistic and retrospect phase in his youth, and the phase of localism and view points from the foreign land. Yan’s nostalgia and localism writing about territory identification evolved as he stepped onto different life stage. It showed deep and varied life philosophy, and transformed into dialectical thoughts about territory identification and the peace of the living. His writing works contented his unique life experiences—college days as a homeless traveler, and press and twist of humanity and sense of territory from the modern city—presenting a modern ballad about lost of homeland.
