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篇名 注視的他者與他者的注視──論魯迅〈狂人日記〉中「互為主體」的人際結構
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The others who are watched and the others who are watching ─ ─ Talk about "intersubjectivity" interpersonal structure in Lu Xun's
作者 劉益州
頁次 125-137
關鍵字 魯迅狂人日記互為主體人際結構Lu XunA Madman's Diaryintersubjectivityinterpersonalstructure
出刊日期 201106




Lu Xun 's novels,through the form of both preface and the body contain both essays and classical and vernacular diary, this kind of narrative way made narrative perspective rich and diversified,what we have been discussing about ,and this papers with the using of phenomenological "intersubjectivity" perspective, to observe in ,how Lu Xun made the coexisting world includes both main body of “me” and “the others” ,and further to highlight how the environmental construction sensed by the Mad man in the time of this novel;this paper first interprets why I use “Watch” as the direction of my statements,and with following through the “ the others who are watching” and “the others who are watched” two parts to explore the “intersubjectivity” phenomenon the Madman sensed ,and in the part of “the others who are watching” can be divided into “the others who watched”,”forward looking the others who was watching”,”the others who is seeking the others in the in the activities,which are corresponding to the time now, the past and the future time;though the diary description in the ,should only record the passed events and the expected events in the future,there can not be perception record in principle,but is narrative,however as the time described in the novel,they are still potential concept of the time,so this paper takes the protagonist the Madman as the central part, and to link the collateral statements of others, to explore the changing of the Madman's sense in the time environment,and to sense the intersubjectivity interpersonal structures.
