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篇名 以議題中心教學探究護生在「生命的可改變性」議題之論證判斷內涵
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 Exploring the Arguments and Judgments of Nursing Students on the Topic of Life Changeability From an Issues-Centered Learning Perspective
作者 歐姿妤黃貞觀楊克平
頁次 255-265
關鍵字 生命教育論證議題中心學習life educationargumentation processissues-centered learning
出刊日期 201112


結 論/實務應用:本研究依據結果提出相關建議,可為學校及教師在實施生命教育相關課程時之參考。


Background: The ultimate goal of life education is to cultivate life content and develop the competence to practice and explore the meaning of life as “love yourself and respect others.” Purpose: This study used life changeability teaching methods to pinpoint the content of the adolescent argumentation process. Methods: Study participants included 295 nursing students enrolled in a health and care course at a nursing college.
Students filled out a semi-structured questionnaire after the completion of issues-centered teaching. Results: Most participants agreed that life could be changed. A minority of 37 students (12.54%) disagreed or expressed another opinion. Students evaluated themselves in terms of an argumentation process designed to identify principal factors influencing decision making. The four factor themes identified were: fatalism, pessimism, living in the present and endless life. Under the endless life theme, events connected with a person’s own life experiences would be changed first followed by the life experiences of family and friends.
Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Findings shed light on life education and may serve as a reference for schools and teachers responsible to design / teach life education courses.
