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篇名 二年期護理師(護士)訓練計劃實施成效評價
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 Effectiveness of a Two-Year Training Program for Nurses
作者 蔡淑芳林麗英
頁次 277-285
關鍵字 臨床教育訓練成效評價護理能力clinical continuing educationeffectiveness of training programnurse competence
出刊日期 201112




Background: Well-qualified, effective nursing staffs are key to providing high quality healthcare. Clinical continuing education improves professional knowledge and skills. Purpose: This study evaluated the effectiveness of a two-year training program for newly employed nurses in improving nursing competence at a medical center. Methods: This study adopted a posttest only approach. Ninety-four nurses were surveyed three-months after entering the hospital and again two years later using a 79-item questionnaire that covered six competence categories. The questionnaire was self-completed by nurses, with results providing competence scores for study analysis work. Results: Results found that the training program enhanced self-reported competence significantly in the following categories: caring skills, clinical skills, administrative skills, teaching skills, emergency skills, and overall nursing
competence. Education, place of work, and years of work experience all significantly influenced self-evaluated nursing competence scores.
Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Results may help guide future revisions to nursing training programs in order to improve nursing care quality.
