
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 南台灣區域教學醫院護理人員關懷行為與病人感受之相關性探討
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 Relationship Between Nurse Caring Behaviors and Patient-Perceived Caring Behaviors at Regional Teaching Hospitals in Southern Taiwan
作者 李維綸楊惠琳蔡享翰蔡嬉燕蔡照文
頁次 286-294
關鍵字 關懷關懷行為感受關懷行為caringcaring behaviorsperceived caring behaviors
出刊日期 201112


背景:關懷是護理實務的核心,所有的護理工作都是以關懷為出發點,良好的專業性關懷可增進病人希望並促進疾病痊癒。目的:瞭解南部區域教學醫院護理人員表現關懷行為與病人感受關懷行為之差異性及相關性。方法:依橫斷式相關性研究法,以南部三所區域教學醫院護理人員及病人為收案對象,採結構性問卷,包括基本資料及關懷行為量表,以描述性及推論性統計方式進行資料分析。結果:護理人員自覺「時常」關懷行為的程度,明顯低於病患感受「總是」的關懷。護理人員關懷行為由高至低排序為「病人權益維護」、「幫助病人渡過疾病不平順的過程」、「了解病人需求」;病人感受關懷由高至低排序為「了解病人需求」、「幫助病人渡過疾病不平順的過程」、「病人權益維護」,兩組關懷行為除「了解病人需求」方面外,其餘皆達顯著正相關(p < .01)結論/實務應用:由調查結果顯示護理人員表現與病人感受關懷行為有所差異,建議定期召開病房病例討論會議,經驗傳承,主動提供病人健康照護需求,落實關懷病人的權益。


Background: Caring is the core of nursing practice and the foundation of all nursing work. Quality professional care can boost patient hope and enhance patient recovery. Purpose: This study was designed to identify core caring behaviors as perceived, respectively, by nurses and patients
and assess differences / similarities in perception between the two groups. Methods: This cross-sectional study collected data using a two-part questionnaire addressing demographic and caring behavior scale data. Participants included nurses and patients at three regional teaching hospitals in Southern Taiwan. Researchers used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze data. Results: Nurses perceived their own level of caring behavior as “often” - a score significantly lower than the patientperceived level of “always.” Nurse perception of caring behavior prioritized “patient advocacy,” followed by “helping patients through the illness trajectory” and “knowing the patient.” Patient perception gave greatest importance to “knowing the patient,” followed by “helping patients through the illness trajectory” and “patient advocacy.” Caring behavior correlations between the two groups were significantly positive except for “knowing the patient” (p < .01).
Conclusions: Results of this survey found differences in the care behavior experiences of nurses and patients. Major suggestions include holding regular meetings to discuss ward cases, share experiences, develop initiatives to address outstanding patient care needs, and implement care programs to protect patient rights.
