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篇名 不同班別護理人員的睡眠和飲食之探討
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 Sleep and Dietary Patterns Among Nurses Working in Different Shifts
作者 鄭慧華鍾詩琦廖玟君
頁次 295-304
關鍵字 輪班護理人員睡眠飲食shift worknursessleepdietary
出刊日期 201112


背景:輪班工作使生理的日夜節律異常,也因此影響輪班者的飲食和睡眠。目的:本研究為探討不同班別下護理人員的睡眠與飲食狀況。方法:自中部某醫學中心選取固定白班(n = 18)、小夜班(n = 17)、大夜班(n = 15)、輪班(n = 17)之護理人員共67名,以「匹茲堡睡眠品質量表」、「三天睡眠日記」、「三天全天飲食紀錄」為研究工具,將資料以卡方檢定及one-way ANOVA分析其睡眠、營養及腸胃症狀的表現。結果:⑴睡眠部分:有52.9%-82.4%的護理人員顯示睡眠品質不佳(Pittsburg Sleep Quality Indes, PSQI ≥ 5分),其中以大夜及輪班者居多。小夜班的睡眠時數顯著大於其它班別(8.9 hrs vs.7.3-7.9 hrs; p <.001)。睡眠間斷則多發生於大夜班(46.7%)和輪班人員(23.5%)。80%的大夜班護理人員工作與假日作息不一致。⑵營養部分:白班及輪班平均熱量攝取為1643-1684大卡,顯著多於夜班約300-
400大卡(p <.001)。而不論是蛋白質、脂肪、醣類及熱量的攝取上,小夜班都比其他班別少,且全天熱量攝取低於1200大卡。⑶各班腸胃不適的表現約26.8%-47.1%,但之間並無差異。


Background: Shift work greatly impacts the biological clock of nurses due to altered sleep and dietary patterns. Purpose: This study investigated differences in sleep and dietary patterns among nurses working different shifts and the consequences of these patterns on sleep quality and health.
Methods: Researchers recruited sixty-seven nurses from a medical center. Participants were grouped according to current shift type, namely: fixed day shift (FDS, n = 18), fixed evening shift (FES, n = 17), fixed night shift (FNS, n = 15) and rotating shift (RS, n = 17). Shifts lasted one month. Participants filled out questionnaires that included the
“Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI),” “3-day sleeping diary,” “3-day dietary record,” and “Gastro-Intestine (GI) dysfunction checklist” in the midterm of their shift for 3 days. Results: (1) Sleep: 52.9%-82.4% of nurses reported their sleep as poor (PSQI ≥ 5). Sleep quality in the FNS and FRS group was the worst. The FES group recorded the longest sleep hours (8.9 hrs vs. 7.3-7.9 hrs). Sleep fragmentation was a significant occurrence in FNS (46.7%) and RS (23.5%) groups. Moreover, the daily wake and sleep routine varied between duty and off days in 80% of FNS nurses. (2) Dietary: The 3-day total caloric intake in FDS and FRS groups
(1643-1684 Kcal) was significantly more than that in FES and FNS groups (p < .001). Nurses in the FES group also consumed significantly less protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories than the other groups. (3) 26.8%-47.1% of nurses reported various G-I dysfunctions, although there was no significant differences identified among groups. Conclusions: Sleep quality among FNS and RS participants was the worst, possibly due to discordant daily routines between duty and off days. Nurses in the FES group consumed significantly less protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories
than the other groups. More than half of the participants reported one or multiple G-I dysfunctions. Findings in this study provide information for nurses and institute stakeholders to better manage their shift work.
