
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 基隆市仁愛區老年人蔬果攝取改變階段之研究—跨理論模式之應用
卷期 7:4
並列篇名 Using the Transtheoretical Model to Investigate Stages of Change in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Seniors Living in Keelung City’s Renai District
作者 徐蓓蒂Emily Lu廖珮宏邵明依
頁次 317-328
關鍵字 老年人蔬果攝取改變階段蔬果攝取行為自我效能seniorsstages of change in fruit and vegetable consumptionfruit and vegetable consumption behaviorself-efficacy
出刊日期 201112


背景:我國現已是高齡化社會,對於有關老年人的研究應不僅侷限在照顧已生病的老人,更應加強如何健康的老化,讓老年人活得健康且有良好的生活品質。蔬果含有豐富的營養素,可預防疾病、降低疾病的風險及延緩疾病的發生,然而有研究顯示,台灣老人蔬果攝取量是不足的,如何改善老年人蔬果攝取行為,實值得探究。目的:運用跨理論模式瞭解老年人的蔬果攝取改變階段及蔬果攝取行為。方法:以基隆市仁愛區65歲以上老年人為對象,共收案398位。研究工具為自編的結構式問卷,經個別訪談蒐集資料。以SPSS for Window 15.0統計軟體進行資料處理與分析。


Background: Taiwan is a gradually aging society. Research on the elderly should not be confined to caring for seniors, but also focused on ways to improve health and quality of life. Fruit and vegetables are rich in nutrients and can help prevent disease, control disease risk factors, and delay disease onset. Seniors should engage in positive behaviors,
including consuming adequate quantities of fruit and vegetables, to maintain and promote good health. Purpose: This study worked to understand the stages of change in fruit and vegetable consumption among seniors, assess consumption behavior, and investigate the relationship between variables using a transtheoretical model. Methods: Study subjects included 398 residents of Keelung City’s Renai District aged 65 years or older. The authors developed the structure questionnaire and conducted all interviews. SPSS for Window 15.0 statistical software was used to process and analyze data. Results: On average, study subjects ate five servings of fruit and vegetables per day on only 2.86 days each week.
Fruit and vegetable consumption behavior changed the most during the preparation stage. Subjects had better knowledge of fruit and vegetable consumption, self-efficacy, self-perceived benefits and had fewer self-perceived barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption in the last stage than the first. In the original grouped cases, 46.6% correctly classified
the stage changes. The significant predictors of fruit and vegetable intake behavior in the earlier stages were “selfperceived benefits” and fruit and vegetable consumption “knowledge”. Significant predictors of fruit and vegetable consumption behavior in the latter stage were “self-efficacy” and “self-perceived barriers”. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Findings support the conclusion that community nurses should group seniors based on their stage of change in fruit and vegetable consumption and design stage-appropriate strategies to influence behavior.
