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篇名 傳播學領域研究生研究歷程中之資訊尋求行為
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Information Seeking Behavior of Communication Graduate Students in Their Research Processes
作者 陳世娟唐牧群
頁次 091-122
關鍵字 資訊視域資訊尋求行為傳播學研究生研究歷程Information horizonInformation seeking behaviorCommunication studiesGraduate studentsResearch processTSSCI
出刊日期 201112




Thesis is the research outcome that a graduate student spends most of his or her time and energies to achieve. Therefore, the research process of student’s thesis writing is an important topic to be investigated. The main purpose of this study is to explore graduate students’ information seeking behavior during the process of thesis writing. Ten graduate students in the field of communication were interviewed, and their information horizon maps as well as bibliographical references were
analyzed also. Results showed that the library, as a formal channel, is the primary source for graduate students. The documents that they used most often were theses and dissertations, monographs, and journals. In addition to the formal channels, social network also played as a very important role in students’ research process. The networks even changed their information seeking behaviors in formal channels. Students reported several problems encountered in the research process, such as lacking
of the background knowledge of the interdisciplinary, being unable to find out the core and relevant documents from the search results, etc. In conclusion, graduate students’ information seeking behavior changed at different stages in the research process.
