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篇名 中高齡人口選擇機構養老方式預測因素之研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 The predictors of the selection of the senior social welfare institutions for the middle age population
作者 石泱
頁次 006-028
關鍵字 中高齡人口居住安排機構養老middle age populationliving arrangementliving in senior institutions
出刊日期 200911


本研究主要在探討中高齡人口選擇老人福利機構做為養老方式的可能性,並探討影響其進住機構養老的決定因素。研究對象為50 歲以上之人口,研究資料取自2005年老人狀況調查原始資料。研究結果顯示,女性受訪者對於選擇老人福利機構的可性較男性高,教育程度愈高則愈有可能進住老人福利機構,但擁有的子女數愈多則愈不可能進住老人福利機構。在不同世代選擇機構養老的決定因素上,對50 至64 歲的人口而言,是否採取機構養老方式多與傳統觀念有關,例如教育程度或擁有的子女數。但對65 歲以上的人口而言,他們會依據自己目前所處的狀況及擁有的資源多寡來決定養老生活方式,所以其預測的因素大多與其所處的現實環境有密切關係,例如年齡、經濟來源等。研究者據此提出結論和建議。


This research focused in the possibility for middle age population to live in the senior institutions, and attempted to find the factors which affected them of choosing to live in the senior institution. The data got from the Senior Citizen Condition Survey 2005, including above 50 years old population. The result revealed as follow, female will more possible to live in senior institutions than male, and the educational level higher, they will possible to live in senior institutions. The elderly have more children (including sons and daughters), the more impossible to live in senior institutions. For 50 to 64 years old population, whether living in the senior institutions rely on their traditional values, such as educational level or number of children. However, the population over the age of 65, they will be in accordance with their current resources to determine whether to live in senior institutions, most of the factors that
predict their current environment, such as age, economic sources. The author got conclusion and suggestions.
