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篇名 高雄縣市公務員核心公共價值之認知研究─社會判斷理論途徑分析
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 A Study Cognition on the Core Public Value in Public Servants of Kaohsiung City / County Government: From the Approach Analysis of Social Judgment Theory
作者 陳建寧
頁次 090-117
關鍵字 公共價值核心價值廉能價值判斷分析社會判斷理論Public valuecore valuehonest and upright valuejudgment analysissocial judgment theory
出刊日期 201112


公務員從事公共服務過程中,經常面臨內在道德認知(價值面)、內外在專業倫理支持(政治支持面)及外在公共服務績效輸出(能量面)等公共價值層面之取捨,本研究從價值判斷認知觀點,以行政院人事行政局規範公務員「廉正、專業、效能、關懷」等四項核心價值,作為衡量「公共價值」之決策參考變數,採用社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)為研究方法,探討高雄縣、市政府公務員如何以核心價值來推動「公共價值」之認知實證研究。
研究分析發現高雄縣、市政府公務員呈現廉潔公平(36%vs 29%)、效能績效(28%vs31%)、專業中立(21%vs22%)、關懷體諒(15%vs18%)等不同的心理認知權重,建議政府在推動縣市合併與建立廉能政府工作時,應考量以提升公務員與政府團隊「廉正」官箴措施為主,同時兼採施政「績效」措施為輔,將能達成建立廉能政府之目標。


Public servants play the role of public resource user and allocation, to create the public value as the core goal in the government department. Civil servants face to the challenge of individuality morality value cognition, public service profession ethics support, and effective capacity. From the judgment analysis aspects, the research takes the cues of integrity, professionalism, effectiveness and compassion to measure the public value and shape function on social value. The research employs the method of Social Judgment Theory, to investigate that Kaohsiung city/county government civil servants’ cognition on public value. The research findings that public servants’ public value priority weights are: for integrity, Kaohsiung city 36%, Kaohsiung county 29%; for effectiveness Kaohsiung city 28%, Kaohsiung county 31%; for professionalism, Kaohsiung city 21%; Kaohsiung county 22%; and for compassion, Kaohsiung city 15%, Kaohsiung county 18%.The results provide Kaohsiung city/county government to execute merge program, establish core goal on an honest and upright government.
