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篇名 波羅地海乾散貨運價指數之變幅波動模型
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 The Range-based Volatility Models for the Baltic Dry Index
作者 周恆志張志清謝承宏易至中
頁次 023-039
關鍵字 波羅地海乾散貨運價指數價格波動率價格變幅ACARR 模型GARCH 模型BDIPrice volatilityPrice rangeACARRGARCH
出刊日期 201112


本文以波羅地海乾散貨運價指數為分析對象,樣本時間為1999/11/1 至2010/2/28 止,探討價格變幅波動模型的配適績效與預測績效,並且與以收盤價資料為基礎的GARCH 模型相比較。實證結果發現,無論樣本內的配適績效或樣本外的預測績效,價格變幅波動模型皆優於GARCH 模型。此外,在模型中加入與BDI 指數相關的外生變數有助於提升運價指數短期預測績效,但是在長期預測績效方面並未明顯改善。


This study explores the fitting performance and forecasting performance of therange-based price volatility model on the Baltic Dry Index (BDI). The sample periodis from 1999/11/1 to 2010/2/28, and the performance is compared with traditionalreturns-based GARCH model. The empirical results show that range-based model isbetter than GARCH model, in terms of the in-sample fitting performance andout-sample forecasting performance. Besides, the study also adds some adequateexogenous variables into the model to increase its forecasting performance. Theresults demonstrate that exogenous variables could help short-term forecast, but not inthe long-term forecast.
