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篇名 國際快遞業顧客中心、轉換成本與顧客忠誠度之研究
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 An Empirical Research of the Relationships between Customer Centricity, Switching Cost and Customer Loyalty: A Study of International Express Industry
作者 王文弘高偲雅
頁次 041-064
關鍵字 顧客中心顧客忠誠轉換成本國際快遞業Customer centricityCustomer loyaltySwitching costsInternational Express Service Provider
出刊日期 201112


近年來,國內產業因應全球化的競爭環境,紛紛將製造基地外移,造成以實體運送的國際運輸業者競爭壓力極劇上揚,因此業者所發展的服務品質方向能否提升顧客滿意度、維持競爭優勢以及穩定的業務來源是相當重要的關鍵。本研究旨在探討國際快遞服務業的顧客中心作為、顧客轉換服務新增的成本與顧客忠誠度三者是否存在著相互之影響關係。本研究以某知名國際快遞業者之企業客戶為對象,透過問卷調查方式,探究企業客戶對於企業以顧客為中心的作為之認知、轉換服務的成本認知、以及顧客忠誠行為等構面間之關係。本研究共發出360 份問卷,回收之有效份數為212 份。實證研究結果發現:1. 企業的顧客中心作為對顧客忠誠度有正向顯著的影響。2. 企業的顧客中心作為對於提高顧客轉換服務的成本有正向顯著的影響。3. 顧客轉換服務的成本越高、顧客的忠誠度越高。由此可知,企業提供以顧客為中心的服務理念有助於提高顧客忠誠購買服務的行為、也直接提高顧客轉換其他服務提供者的轉換成本;而當顧客轉換其他服務提供者需要支付高成本時,其忠誠度將更高。


In recent decades, international transportation industry in Taiwan is taking adirection to new business environment, i.e. more competitive but less growth due tothe challenge of manufacturing relocation/migration to lower cost countries/areastriggered by the trend of globalization. Therefore, the international express serviceproviders must identify the right direction/drivers in improving service quality forbetter customers’ satisfaction. Thus, companies could (service providers) maintainhigh business competitiveness and sustain continue business growth.The purpose ofthis study is to investigate the relationship between customer centricity, switching cost,and customer loyalty of international express service providers.Based on data collected from corporate buyers of one of the major internationalexpress service providers in Taiwan, the valid returned questionnaires are 212 copies.And the empirical findings are:1. Customer centricity has positively significant influence on customer loyalty.2. Customer centricity has positively significant influence on switching costs.3. Switching costs has positively significant influence on customer loyalty.Therefore, if the service providers expect to increase its business revenue andsustain right profit by improving the level of customer loyalty, then the serviceprovider must continually improve its services quality from customers’ centricitypoint. Deepening service to align with customers’ logistics and marketing tends is theway to long-term success, also upgrading customer’s switching costs of buyinginternational express services.
