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篇名 組織認同與專業認同對於雙軌生 涯路徑選擇之關聯性研究-以組織誘因為干擾變項
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Effects of Organizational Identification and Professional Identification on Dual Career Paths: The Moderating Roles of Organizational Incentives
作者 諸承明李晉豪梁成明
頁次 065-086
關鍵字 雙軌生涯路徑組織認同專業認同組織誘因Dual Career PathsOrganizational IdentificationProfessional IdentificationOrganizational Incentives
出刊日期 201112




The present study used the sample of organizational employees to examine theeffects of organizational identification and professional identification on managerialcareer path preference and professional career path preference, as well as examine themoderating roles of organizational incentives on the relationships betweenidentification and dual career paths. The results showed that organizationalidentification and professional identification have a significantly positive impact onthe managerial career path preference. Professional identification has a significantlypositive impact on the professional career path preference. Organizational incentiveshave a significantly positive impact on the managerial career path preference. Besides,Organizational incentives have a significantly moderating effect on the relationshipsbetween organizational identification and managerial career path preference.Implications for practice and further research are discussed.
