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篇名 造船契約違約風險分析
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 An Analysis on Risks arising from Breach of Shipbuilding Contracts
作者 張志清陳慧君
頁次 113-130
關鍵字 違約風險日本造船協會造船契約Shipbuilding contractsBreach of contractsSAJ
出刊日期 201112


於2008 年第2 季以後,全球經濟因金融海嘯之影響不斷地衰退。全球貿易量大幅地減少,進而導致航運服務之需求顯著地縮減。因此許多航商紛紛選擇取消訂單或採取延遲交船策略,以降低經營風險。但此舉不僅將使其面臨相關契約上之法律責任,亦將對造船廠產生連帶之衝擊。本文以日本造船協會所出版之造船契約為範本,分析以及辨識造船契約之違約風險。以作為造船廠與船東於辨識與確認造船契約法律風險之參考基礎。


After the 2nd quarter of 2008, the global economy has continually declinedbecause of the financial crisis. The volume of global trade has greatly reduced, andthe demand of shipping transportation services has obviously declined thereafter.Many shipping companies select to cancel shipbuilding orders or adopt strategies oflate delivery of ships, in order to reduce the risks of operation. However, this will notonly result in buyers some liabilities arising from the breach of the contracts, but alsoresult in builders certain impact.This thesis takes the SAJ contract as a model to analyze, discusses andrecognizes the risks arising from breach of shipbuilding contracts. It aims to providereference for builders and buyers to recognize the legal risks arising from shipbuildingcontracts.
