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篇名 國中子職教育課程實踐對父子親密感影響之研究-以青少年背景變項為調節變項
卷期 11
並列篇名 A Study of the Effect of the Filial Education Curriculum On Father-child intimacy:Adolecents’ Background Variables as Moderators
作者 吳順發
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 子職教育課程父子親密感青少年背景變項調節變項filial education curriculumfather-child intimacyadolescentbackground variablemoderating variable
出刊日期 201112




The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on the father-child intimacy by the practice of fi lial education curriculum in junior high school and to examine whether the effect of curriculum moderated by adolecents of different backgrounds or not.The results were as follows:First, the students of experimental group had higher scores on Father-child Intimacy Scale than those in the control group. Second, sex, birth order, family social economic status, and family structure
couldn’t moderate the effect of fi lial education curriculum on the father-child intimacy.
