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篇名 未婚成年男性眼中父子關係之現象詮釋
卷期 11
並列篇名 Unmarried Adult Sons’ Perceptions and Interpretations of Relationships with Their Fathers
作者 陳韻如
頁次 051-076
關鍵字 父子關係父權文化父職Father-Son RelationshipPatriarchal CultureFatherhood
出刊日期 201112




This paper examines the father-son relationship from the standpoint of unmarried, adult sons,analyzing their perceptions, feelings, and interpretations toward their experiences of father-son interactions and relationships. To achieve the study’s purposes, the author applied Hermeneutic Phenomenology with in-dept. interviewing with fi ve unmarried, adult males for data collection, to discover the implied meaning behind the phenomena that they displayed. Thematic-analysis was used to analyze all materials collected.Results show that the frequency of talking to each other was used by interviewees to identify the interaction quality with their fathers. Their interaction with theirfathers shifted from strong to weak as they became older. The study also found relationships were weak and lacked intimacy in this life stage. However, those sons do not think their relationships with their fathers are terrible;however, they have their own interpretation that differs from western culture. In addition, although their interactions with their fathers are weak now, they think that there is no need to make a change.The study revealed that these interviewees were looking forward to fostering a friend-like relationship instead of father-son relationship with their sons in the future. The sons in this type of relationship view themselves as being transformative agents of the last three generations. These results emphasize the father-son relationship is still shaped by a traditional patriarchal culture, fatherhood norm, and
gender-role stereotype, which is found in the cognition schema of these unmarried-adult sons.
