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篇名 頂客夫妻婚姻生活經驗之詮釋
卷期 11
並列篇名 Hermeneutic of the Marital Lived Experiences of the DINKS’ Couples
作者 張正正
頁次 077-103
關鍵字 頂客族婚姻生活經驗詮釋現象學DINKSmarital lived experienceshermeneutic phenomenology
出刊日期 201112




The researcher used hermeneutic phenomenological methodology and tried to explore the marital lived experiences of the DINKS’ couples through the process of mutual dialogues and understanding. Semi-structured in-depth interview was adopted in this study. Texts were collected from three DINKS’ couples and three DINKS who were interviewed twice and each interview took 75 to 150 minutes. All conversational interviews were converted into verbatim transcriptions.Through thematic analysis, “Playing the Duet together in our world “is the theme as their marital lived experiences. And the sub-themes are, (a). Expressing myself as soloing, (b). Singing for each other as duetting, (c). Accepting your going wrong, (d). Cooperating to make the duet fl uently, (e).Companying with you from youth to old, (f). Don’t wonna let you go cause I can’t play alone.At the end of this study, some discussions and refl ections as well as conclusions were presented.Finally, some implications were presented for the public, the government, and the family educators.
