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篇名 現實治療團體諮商對受霸凌國中生自我概念與憂鬱情緒之效果研究
卷期 11
並列篇名 The study of bullied teenage self-concept and depressive mood with reality therapy group counseling
作者 曾琬雅張高賓
頁次 105-129
關鍵字 現實治療團體諮商被霸凌自我概念憂鬱情緒reality therapy group counselingbulliedself-conceptdepressive mood
出刊日期 201112




The purpose of this study was to explore the immediate and follow-up effects of reality therapy group counseling program for bullied junior high school students. In particular, it is focused on their self-concept and depressive mood. The method applied the equivalent pretest-posttest control group , 20 bullied junior high school students were the subjects. The experiment group was treated with reality therapy group counseling program, 10 participants who could attend 5 weekly group counseling sessions, 3.5 hours per week, totally 17.5 hours were assigned into the experiment group. The other 10 students of the control group received no treatment. All subjects received the pretest, the posttest and the follow-up test with “Junior High School Students’ Self -Concept Scale”,
” Depression Screening Scale for Children & Adolescents” . The obtained data were analyzed by ANCOVA , Nonparametric Statistics, and Johnson-Neyman. The result shows that the reality therapy group counseling had signifi cant immediate guidance effect on depression-dysphoric mood,
hopelessness, somatic complaints & psychomotor retardation, conduct-social and problems, and school -self. Furthermore, had signifi cant follow-up guidance effect on family self, school self and hopelessness.
