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篇名 推論性問題引導課程對國小四年級學童推論理解與閱讀理解能力之影響
卷期 43:5
並列篇名 The Effects InferentialQuestion Discussion Program on InferentialComprehension and Reading Comprehension of FourthGrade Students
作者 沈欣怡蘇宜芬
頁次 337-356
關鍵字 推論理解推論性問題引導課程國小學童閱讀理解elementary school studentsinferential comprehensioninferential question discussion programreading comprehensionTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201111




This study aims to investigate the effects of an inferential question discussion program on inferential comprehension and reading comprehension of fourth grade students. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. The participants were 71 fourth graders selected from two classes of an elementary school in Keelung County. There were 36 students in the experimental group and 35 students in the control group. The experimental group was treated with the inferential question discussion program, while the control group did not receive any experimental treatment. The results showed that the inferential question discussion program significantly improved students' inferential comprehension performance on takes of referential, elaborative, and analogical inference in the Inferential Comprehension Test. Regarding the spontaneous inferences, the training program significantly increased the quantity and quality of students' spontaneous inferences on the aspects of referential inference and summarization. The training program also effectively improved students' reading comprehension performance. Instructional application and future research were discussed.
