
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Perioperative Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping and Staged Coronary Intervention for a Patient with Concurrent Coronary Artery Disease and Cancer
卷期 27:4
作者 Kiyotake, IshikawaAkihito, TanakaHaruya, KawaseToshikazu, Tanaka
頁次 263-266
關鍵字 Drug eluting stentIntra-aortic balloon pumpingNon-cardiac surgeryPercutaneous coronary interventionPerioperativeMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 201112



Coronary artery disease and cancer may sometimes co-exist in elderly patients. For patients who require surgery,treatment strategy is always an issue. Prompt attention to the cancer is a high priority, while implementing the least invasive way to treat both diseases, if possible. We report a case of a 79-year-old woman with gastric cancer and multi-vessel coronary artery disease, where gastric cancer was successfully treated with perioperative use of intra-aortic balloon pumping (IABP), followed by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting
stents (DES). This combination may be an effective approach for physically debilitated patients with severe coronary artery disease who require major non-cardiac surgery.

