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篇名 Gypenosides Induce Apoptosis on Human Hepatoma Cells Line
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 絞股藍皂苷誘導人類肝癌細胞凋亡之研究
作者 張原彰陳榮洲
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 絞股藍皂苷凋亡人類肝癌細胞株GypenosidesApoptosisHuh 7 human hepatoma cells line
出刊日期 201103


絞股藍皀苷對人類肝癌細胞(Huh 7)的作用研究,結果顯示絞股藍皂苷具劑量依賴性的抑制肝癌細胞的繁殖與生存;於治療兩天時,肝癌細胞的DNA染色能力減少而形成亞G1的山峰,在A0區的細胞數增加,將通常的S期移轉至最終的S期(D1區),絞股藍皂苷並能導致DNA斷裂成呈階梯狀,這表示絞股藍皂苷誘導肝癌細胞的死亡是經由凋亡而來,細胞的凋亡本文也由形態學的研究證明。


Due to its simple structure, easy construction, and low construction cost, earth-rock cofferdam is extensively used in water resources and hydropower engineering. The basis of cofferdam is usually composed of various sedimentary strata. Pores exist between gravel and sand particle together with the larger interstice in cofferdam itself lead to severe seepage, which consequently requires seepage control treatment. Controlled grouting proves to be one of the effective ways of seepage control. Based on the foundation seepage control project of Xinjiang Yikashi river, this paper expounded the seepage control techniques of controlled grouting for earth-rock cofferdam from the perspective of project design, construction technique, grouting material, and quality assessment, and thus can be taken as a reference for similar projects.
