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篇名 肺炎併肺濃瘍或成人呼吸窘迫症候群的病案討論
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Cases Discussion on Pneumonia Complicated with Abscess or Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
作者 陳榮洲
頁次 027-034
關鍵字 肺炎肺濃瘍成人呼吸窘迫症候群中西醫結合治療PneumoniaLung abscessAdult respiratory distress syndromeIntegrated treatment of Chinese and Western medicine
出刊日期 201003




Lung abscess and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are a complication of pneumonia. Lung abscess is an abscess period in pulmonary carbuncle processing and ARDS caused by artery blood gas of P02 mmHg level decreased and elevated level of PCO2 mmHg resulted from broad pneumonia. Both are belonging to the stage of evil heat invaded construction aspect. The principles treatment of lung abscess are clearing heat and resolving toxin as well as transforming stasis and dispersing carbuncle. Clearing heat and resolving toxin as well as diffusion lung and disinhibiting water are the principles treatment of ARDS. The both of pneumonia cases via integrated treatment of Chinese and Western Medicine are present discussion.
