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篇名 院內心肺復甦(CPR)之成效
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Outcomes of In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
作者 邱俊仁程俊傑吳鋼治邱浩彰楊國卿侯勝茂
頁次 034-039
關鍵字 心肺復甦臨床警示系統回復自發性循環CPR 後出院存活率cardiopulmonary resuscitationclinical alarm systemreturn of spontaneous circulationhospital discharge rate after CPRTSCI
出刊日期 201201


住院病人安全是醫院服務品質之一重要指標。院內病患心肺復甦(CPR)之成效,關係到能否立即拯救危急瀕死之病患,與是否能提高病患急救後之出院存活率。某醫學中心近年來藉由院內急救監督小組之設立、院內急救規章及急救權責規範之建立、院內急救電腦登錄作業之進行、院內臨床警示系統(clinicalalarm system, CAS)合併病房交班作業之執行、及定期院內急救監督小組及醫療品質病人安全委員會檢討改進等措施之執行,近五年來(2006~2011)院內CPR 之發生人數呈現逐年、逐季顯著下降之結果。急救後可建立回復自發性循環(return of spontaneous circulation, ROSC)比率可達70%以上,且急救後病患出院存活率亦於五年來大幅上升(自8~11% 至22%)。


Patient safety is an important indicator of the quality of hospital service. The effectiveness of in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is related to whether critically-ill patients can be successfully
resuscitated and be discharged from hospital with survival after CPR. By implementing multiple strategies,including convening a monitoring group for CPR, establishing the rules and regulations for in-hospital CPR,
acquiring computer registrations of all cases of in-hospital CPR, and applying an in-hospital clinical alarm system (CAS) to identify critical patients during shift changes, the numbers of patients undergoing CPR in a
single medical center decreased steadily over 5 years (from 2006 to 2011). The average rates of successful return of spontaneous circulation(ROSC) rose to greater than 70%. Hospital discharge of patients undergoing
in-hospital CPR also increased from 8~11% to 22% over 5 years.
