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篇名 健康研究中的烙印議題
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Stigma Issues in Health Research
作者 陳志軒徐畢卿李靜姝黃建豪
頁次 084-092
關鍵字 烙印刻板印象標籤歧視stigmastereotypinglabelingdiscriminationTSCI
出刊日期 201201




The elements of stigma includes labeling, stereotyping, separation,status loss and discrimination. As long as these elements are mentioned, they are attributed to the issues of stigma. The people with mental illness,
homosexuality, AIDS, disabilities, different ethnicity and obesity are suffered from stigma. Stigma is not only a public health issue but also affects the mental health of the stigmatized. Therefore, the importance of stigma issue in allied health should be emphasized. The focus of this article is to provide the review of theories of stigma, the research frameworks of stigma, and the assumptions of the stigmatization. We hope that health care workers and students can understand the issue of stigma deeply and support the stigmatized humanly.
